
The Several Parables of The Master Christian,

More Clearly Understoood

(at least as Your Presenter comprehends them; and not always as the Reader does).


The Parable of the Debtors, More Clearly Understood

     Who "loved" the Creditor the most when forgiven their debts -- the Greater Debtor? or, the Lesser Debtor? And, in how many righteous Ways?


The Parable of the Goats & the Sheep

     Not everybody gets "in," regardless of preacher prattling; some were born that way. We must admit this.


(Sometime soon, will there be added Explanatory Writs to these Parables and Events:

     "The Lord's Prayer, More Clearly Understood," wherein the only "verse" we need to know and rely upon is: "Thy Will be done." All else in that Prayer is either superfluous (He already knows it) or self-serving (we should know better than to ask it). Now, look for it under "General Reading, as "The Most Important Part of the Lord's Prayer."

     "The Wedding Feast, More Clearly Understood," wherein is determined that the less-dressed man who was cast out "into the outer darkness" was more obedient than the Invited Guests who did NOT attend.

     "Let the dead bury the dead," explained as leaving those who refuse to Know or Admit the Truth.

     "The Return of the Prodigal Son," wherein the jealous and angry Eldest ought to admit he himself had it all, and the Younger will be, for who knows how long, his property-less servant.

     "The Hunters and The Fishers," wherein each is not always as preached as if acting favorably to the true Israelites: what the Hunters did not "kill," the Fishers will "lure," for destruction.

     "The Man who was named Legion," explaining why the swine were driven into the lake as 'unclean.'

     "The Parable of the Talents, More Clearly Understood," wherein it is shown that it is not possible for us to "increase our talent, abilities" (only Yahweh can do that), but rather, a "talent" was a form of money; and how Usury was avoided by the Faithful who was "cast out," thus Your Presenter's conclusion, that 'It Is An Honor For An Honest Man To Be Cast Out Of A Den Of Thieves.'

    "Give Not To The Poor," because as often as not, this is a bad idea, if they don't know what to do with what they are given; they may end up more of a curse upon others than anything else; and it will not get anyone into Heaven (if that is where they (want to) go) simply by foolishly enriching the ingnorant unriched.

     Among perhaps several others later found. So get ready for these).