Tue, 02/01/2011 - 03:17
Marilyn Monroe, and really built, too

Source: http://www.designbuild-network.com/projects/absolutetowers/absolutetower..., as of January 31st, 2011.
The Mississauga Condos, or "Absolute Towers," 70 Absolute Avenue, at Burnhamthrope & Hurontario, in Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z 0A4, Canada, south of Toronto.
Her "masculine partner" is in the background (where else?), and not very large, it seems, nor all that phallic, either. The one on the left, we may presume?
Well, it does have some resemblances to MM, you know. But to see how it fits, like a over-tight dress, you had to "know her" when she was really "with us." Nothing quite like the reality of it all, to boost the senses.