Books and Articles by Others
Books by Others
"Articles by Others" is found on this same webpage, after the “Books of a Scriptural Theme” and “Books regarding History in General” segments.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Reader is admonished to remember the Copyright Notice as set forth on the Home Page of this Website, as to the "fair use" of these works, for discussion, debate, research, etc. Be careful to make accurate note of the Original Source(s) when using them elsewhere.
Books of a Scriptural Theme
A Gentle Cynic: being a Translation of the Book of Koheleth, commonly known as Ecclesiastes, Stripped of later Additions; also, Its Origin, Growth and Interpretation, by Morris Jastrow, Jr., Ph.D, LL.D, Professor in the University of Pennsylvania (A.D. 1919)
Wherein is described, in sufficient detail, how many errors, contradictory "verses," and exterior wording, had been introduced into the Book of Ecclesiastes, by ignorant and as often well-intended if not also unwitting "editors," with many other interesting comments upon this "book" that would be of interest to those Readers who would seek to discover such details in a search for the absolute Truth, as it might be available at present. Not all that is true is Truth, and yet, it is not of fishing, to catch fish.
The Greatest Thing in the World
by Henry Drummond (c.1890)
'Every one has asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modern world: What is the summum bonum--the supreme good? You have life before you. Once only you can live it, in this earthly experience. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet, that one ability, that one consistent trait, which will establish ourselves in Righteousness here and assure our Salvation in the Hereafter?'
The Bible in the Making, in Light of Modern Research
5) by John Paterson Smyth (1914)
“There has been long wanting such a book — constructive, not destructive; frank and fearless, scholarly and reverent; — and the story is told in simple, fascinating style that even a child could enjoy. It should help the thoughtful reader, puzzled about Higher Criticism, to moor [secure] himself more firmly than ever on the impregnable rock of Scripture.” (from the Cover Page)
How We Got Our Bible
4) by John Paterson Smyth (1912)
“The question How we got our Bible is a very wide one, and the full answer should tell of the making of the Bible, and the writers of the Books, and the ancient historical material which they used; and also how it happened that this particular collection of books came to be separated from the other literature of the time, and regarded as inspired and collected into a Bible. The present treatise takes the answer at a later stage, when the books were already completed and received as the inspired guide of the Church. It traces the story of the Bible from the early manuscripts of Apostolic days down to the last Revised Version which is in our hands to-day.”
The Divine Library: How to Read the Bible
3) by John Paterson Smyth (1897)
“We search the world for truth: / we cull The good, the pure, the beautiful / From graven stone and written scroll, / From all old flower fields of the soul; / And weary seekers of the best, / We come back laden from our quest, / To find that all the sages said / Is in the Book our mothers read.” John Greenleaf Whittier, “Mariam.” 4th Stanza, Lines 9–16 (1871)
How God Inspired the Bible: Thoughts for the Present Disquiet.
2) by John Paterson Smyth (1892)
"These ‘thoughts for the present disquiet’ are intended especially for those who are disquieted. There are many good men to whom the notions, learned half unconsciously at a Christian mother's knee, are very dear and sufficiently true for the guidance of life — many to whom newer views would be but a source of disturbance. It is perhaps not needful for them to inquire any farther. Let them rest in peace, feeding on God's green pastures beside His still waters. But let them remember that it is not given to all men thus to rest, and that restlessness, as well as rest, may be a gift of God, His path to a higher knowledge of truth.”
The Old Documents & the New Bible: An Easy Lesson for the People in Biblical Criticism
1) by John Paterson Smyth (1890)
"In our grandfathers' days, in the simple loving reverence with which the Bible was regarded it almost seemed to men as if, clasped and covered complete, it had dropped down from Heaven... It was much too sacred a thing to be the subject of critical inquiry ; to admit the possibility of mistakes in its text would have been little short of heresy ; while as for making an investigation into the composition and genuineness of its books — why, a man would as soon have thought of "botanising upon his mother's grave !" But "old times have changed." In this age of criticism nothing is too sacred to be questioned and investigated, and the present generation is accustomed to see the most vital questions connected with the Bible discussed with the utmost freedom... rightly directed, [it] cannot fail to lead to a more intelligent belief in the Bible and its claims."
By Chapter & Verse, this Work compares Scripture to the writings of the later “ancient” writers of Greece and Rome, though these are far younger than the Scriptures. The author of this Work states: “Some of these accounts approach so closely th Christian truths that it is difficult to resist the belief that the Hebrew [i.e., the ancient Israelite] Scriptures must have been know to the educated Greeks and Romans. The fathers fo the Church in early times were inclined to believe that this was the case, and recommended the study of profane writers. Heathen philosophy, according to Clement, paved the way to what was completed in Christ. We are told that God never left himself without a witness [Acts 14:17], and may we not include Socrates, Plato, Cicero. Seneca, and other philosophers among those witnesses of His truths, though their thought are not to be put on a level with His own revelations to man?” (Craufurd Tait Ramage (A.D. 1803-1878), Scripture Parallels in Ancient Classics or, Bible Echos (Adams & Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1878), Preface, p. vi). And who is to say the “witness” of these men are not also His own revelations, to a different people, at a different time and place, yet applicable then as now, to the same People?
A law treatise by the American patriot and our American nation's founding father, Thomas Jefferson, c. A.D. 1765, wherein the "original source" relied upon as nearly 'absolute truth' is proven to be often a mere comment or utterance, rather than a true, provable fact. Here the Reader will find a complex sentence structure and grammatic usage not seen today, requiring that Reader to proceed slowly, and comtemplate the "nature and consequences" of relying upon "authorities."
Victory of Judaism over Germanism, Viewed from a non-Religious Point of View, by Wilhelm Marr (A.D. 1897)
A translation of Wilhelm Marr’s Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum (1879), Bern, Costenoble, 8th Edition, 1879. '... less of a polemic against Judaism, than it is a statement of facts regarding cultural history...'
The Crucifixion Viewed From a Jewish Standpoint
by Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch, The Reform ADvocate, chief rabbi in Chicago, Illinois, c.A.D. 1920-50s
"We have not broken with our past. We spin its thread out into the future. Judaism is not an exteneral law but an inward principle. It is a growth not a command. To uphold the faith of the prophets in the one God and to act in accordance therewith is our duty."
Books regarding History in General
Witness To History
Presenting information using statements from historical figures in a way that will erase any doubts about one of the biggest lies — or mass of massive lies — we’ve ever been told.
Seven Roman Statesmen of the Later Republic Charles Oman (1902, 1934).
The Gracchi. Sulla. Crassus. Cato. Pompey. Caesar. They're all there, in that avoidable, miserable decline, often of their own (un-)doing, with its political and constitutional aspects. The first 50 pages describe America's future, and offers reasons why resisting both of their decline may be entirely futile.
The Color of Crime
A recent in-depth study and statistical analysis of racial and cultural aspects of crime in America, A.D. 2005. (Has it gotten any better?).
IQ and Global Inequality
An easily-read, lengthy statistical comparison of "the quality of human conditions," nation-by-nation worldwide, by two respected university professors; with a fair criticism of how Caucasian, Negro, and Asian IQs are measured, and highly overestimated — and as often underestimated — by Westerners.
Was the Wealth of Nations Determined in 1000 B.C.?
A respectable scientific article on how the intellect of technology had passed by, or perhaps never visited, ancient-most Africa several thousand years ago; and how the Africans never learned, nor were able to adopt or adapt any such technology, relying upon that of the Caucasian nations, mostly of Europe.
Arms & The Men:"The Incredible Story of International Traffic in Arms, an article in which Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler calls the greatest sensation since the World War." Published in 1934, by Fortune Magazine.
German Women Rebuilding from the Rubble of German cities after WW2.
With German cities in ruins after World War II., and the country's male population decimated, it fell to the women to clean up the rubble. The so-called "trummerfrauen," or "rubble women," worked with their bare hands and whatever tools they could find. Much of this was compelled by the Allied Occupational Forces, where they worked six hours a day, six days a week. (See also "Lost Treasures of Europe," and also, "Berlin after Hitler," ""<Image Title>", in the Image Gallery of the Mein Kampf website, < >).
The Complete Adolf Hitler: A Digital Desktop Reference to His Speeches & Proclamations 1932-1945, by Max Domarus (Waucanda, Illinois, USA, 1990)
Where in is displayed, at least for the moment, the allegedly full range of Hitler's speeches, oratorical methods, &. The Reader should consider the "politically correct" introductory comments as being necessary for obtaining any modern publication of Hitler's works, verbal or printed; and yet, the book offering a better view of the methods of Adolf Hitler in his efforts to communicate his ideas and ideals, designed almost exclusively to save not merely his own Nation, or its rightful Government, but also his People, as the Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and other Caucasian race peoples in Germany, Europe, and around the world, and spare them the humiliation, degradation, and ultimate destruction at the vicious hands of The Adversary of all Mankind, who would have accomplished their Evil Deeds (and, unhappily, continue to do so to this Day).
In a PDF format, this Work is about 3,375 pages in length, and will require considerable time to download. The source for this Work is Internet Archives, where this Book is available for download in PDF or Text. If that Source deletes this Work, it will appear here.
" Bataan: A Guest of the Emperor"
by Thomas W. Welsh, a Bataan Death March Survivor, deceased. A Personal Account of one Prisoner Of War held captive during and after the "Bataan & Corregidor Death Marches," and held as a prisoner in several Japanese prisoner of war camps, April, 1942 to September, 1945. Few others know of these miseries.
"Was Japan an Aggressor Nation?" by Toshio Tamogami
An essay by the former General of the Japan Self-Defense Air Force, describing how, from the Japanese view of history, his WW2 ancestors were compelled into war with the U.S.; and how the effect of Japanese presence among other Oriental nations was favorable, not destructive as purported by Western historians (most of whom do not know how to read nor write the Japanese language -- logically presumed to be an essential, when attempting to write any "history" of another, foreign people).
Independent Commentary re: "Was Japan an Aggressor Nation?"
Objective Western review(s) of General Tamogami's Essay about Japan and WW2.
The Presence of Simian Virus 40 in lymphoma cancers (and vaccinations)
Three articles from The Lancet (March, 2002), a respected medical journal, wherein is described the associations and effects of this simian virus 40 upon humans, and the diseases and other afflictions which it causes. Very technical reading, but for those who know, it will reveal many reasons for our afflictions. This medical journal is available at most all medical school libraries (in print or online from that library's site), and perhaps in large university libraries, but not so often in public libraries. And from here the list of human cancers associated with SV40 infection grows longer and longer, as the affliction that it is.
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James Watson’s most inconvenient truth: Race realism and the moralistic fallacy
Wherein a respected scientific journal debates critics of a man of superior intellect who decides “to raise the unpopular hypothesis that people of sub-Saharan African descent score lower, on average, than people of European or East Asian descent on tests of general intelligence” — and then goes right on to prove his point. IQ and Global Inequality An easily-read, lengthy statistical comparison of "the quality of human conditions," nation-by-nation worldwide, by two respected university professors; with a fair criticism of how Caucasian, Negro, and Asian IQs are measured, and highly overestimated — and as often underestimated — by Westerners.