Feminism 50 Years Ago, Right side page
Life Mag Feb 28 1938 p 5
This photo is the "other half" and yet the "other half" of these women surely are a miserable existence, unless they agree with the aggressive suggestions, if not commands, of thes hard-hearted women, the progenetors of the so-called "feminist movement," comprised lately of only lesbians. What properly constituted man would have any of these as a wife?
Your Presenter remembers a moment in his distant youth, when his hair was dark and there were no lines of wrinkles upon his face nor aches in his bones or muscles from foolish errors, that there was a time when women began to appear in the workplace. This was in probably in the early to mid A.D. 1960s. And at that time, women were paid less them men, even though both were doing the same work. For example, if a man was doing “clerical work,” and a woman also was doing that same “clerical work,” even if such effort being something not requiring the superior strength of a man.
The proposition set forth almost unilaterally by Employers was that a woman employee was usually married, and should not require a full-pay as a man would receive, because her husband was already in the workplace, and he was probably paid as a man with a wife and probably children, even if this was not so. It was said by some proponents of "equal pay" that both workers should be paid the same for the same work. And this proposed idea obtained favor among the overall working class people.
Soon, this “equal pay for equal work” was a norm among that type of work, usually “office work.” This is all that was wanted by the “founders” of this movement, essentially here as the “Equal Pay” movement, whose leaders were essentially either “career women” who chose such labor over the joys of motherhood, or women as often housewives, with or without children, who were for economic reasons compelled into the workplace.
However, this Equal Pay movement soon became wider in its scope: it soon became a “Women’s Movement,” seeking “equality” of women to men, in a greater portion of American work and social life; and perhaps that was good. For a short time, it was continued as the Equal Pay movement.
But unfortunately, in this transition from one movement to another, there appeared on the scene a peculiar kind and type of woman, not representative of the norm, who were entirely contrary to the original mindset of the founders of this Equal Pay movement. These newcomers had an agenda not merely to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, nor to increase its applicability, but definitely, if not also definitively, to thrust into society an agenda and effectual practice of acts against men, and men in particular.
These new women onto the scene were not of the same “fabric” of the founders of the Equal Pay movement. These new women were not ordiariy women; they were not housewises; they were not mothers in need of additional financial help at home. No, these new women asserting themselves into the "Women's Movement" were those who were different: they held and put into action a tough-minded, and aggressive mentality. They were nasty, sharp-tongued, belligerent and more forceful than the Reader could imagine. These belligerents calle their movement the “feminist movement.” Anyone who obstructed these hostile-minded women in the accomplishment of their singular-minded way were harshly dealt.
They were, in today’s view, “lesbians,” devoted only to the pleasures of women with women, and whose secondary, if not primary, goal was the emasculation, and perhaps destruction, of the male of the human species, solely to increase the “place” of women to a superior position, which all human history as denied and ever will deny them. And nonetheless these lesbians were intent on forcing the role of women into not merely the forefront, but into the role of domination, of the social, cultural, and political world.
These lesbian women were hostile towards anyone who would oppose their “reformative” intentions and acts. And having forced their way into the Equal Pay movement “in their usual manner.” Soon, the original founders of the Equal Pay movement removed themselves from the scene, simply because of being abused so viciously by these lesbians, and to our everlasting misery, the laudable founders of the Equal Pay / Women's Movement allowed those lesbians to commandeer by force and perhaps violence that same and laudable Equal Pay, aka and now disgraced Women’s Movement, to where we today, as both men and women, are afflicted by this malevolent mental and gender apparition called “feminism” and its “feminism movement,” which is merely a front-name for the Scripturally condemned activity called “lesbianism.”
These women, in this ancient photograph, are a mere microcosm (or, closeup view) of those days compared to the macrocosm (wide view) of today.